Scale your enterprise with modern background checks
Checkr’s AI-powered platform was built with an emphasis on scalability, compliance, and security.
Customizable to your business
No more volume bottlenecks
While other background check providers’ output can lag when volume increases, our technology can process over 1.5 million reports a month with no impact on turn-around time.
Multiple tiers of quality assurance
Constant audits and evaluation improve our machine learning models to get the efficiency of automation along with the confidence of targeted human review when necessary.
Reduce risk with detailed permissions
Easily manage who can initiate or review reports, add additional users, or set up and amend adjudication criteria. With better control and visibility, you can reduce potential human bias and errors in your hiring process.
Keep your candidates’ data secure
Checkr is designed with multiple layers of protection, covering data transfer, encryption, network configuration, and application-level controls—all distributed across a scalable, secure infrastructure.
Join leading enterprise organizations who use Checkr
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Increase productivity with workflow automation
It’s not just background check speed that impacts turnaround time; it’s also gaps in your process and unnecessary manual work. Our platform helps you automate and optimize your workflow, so you can move faster.
Ready to give us a try?
We’ve built the most advanced background check toolset in the industry to make hiring faster, easier, more accurate, and lower risk.