Tithe.ly + Checkr Webinar

How to Onboard Staff and Volunteers in Your Church

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Many church leaders and volunteer directors say that staff and volunteers are the lifeblood to their organization, especially when it comes to carrying out their mission. Retaining these key members of a community can be a challenge especially if the faith organization is growing quickly. If a team member is onboarded correctly they are 69% more likely to stay with your organization.

In this 40 minute session we will cover the best practices when it comes to onboarding staff and volunteers in your church.  You will hear from experts in the space about:

  • When to introduce safety best practices to volunteer recruitment efforts
  • How to balance grace with community safety
  • Ways to retain your volunteers for the long term
  • Integrating background checks into your volunteer onboarding process

Learn from these experts

Justin Hein

Manager, Customer Support Engineering 

Matt Morrison

Product Manager

Em Farr

Strategic Partner Manager

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