Checkr Forward 2021 | Possibilities Track
The Workplace of 2021 and Beyond
Watch the Checkr Forward 2021 Possibilities Track session featuring data from SIA’s president.

Twenty-eight percent of job applicants have ghosted a prospective employer over the past year, meaning they disappeared from the application process without a trace. Where are they going and how do you win them back? Barry Asin, the president of Staffing Industry Analysts, explains how the recent changes in operating models, technology and business processes have been the most disruptive changes of the last decade.
Applying more than 20 years of SIA’s award-winning research, Asin will discuss how to re-evaluate your culture, work/life balance and opportunities for professional growth in order to motivate not only candidates but also current employees to stick around.
Learn from these experts

Barry Asin
Staffing Industry Analysts

Chris Johnson
Industry Strategy & Market Development