How we partner with Workday
Ease of integration
The Checkr integration does not require any development in the Workday studio. A Workday admin or consultant can configure the integration.
Highly flexible workflows
Initiate background checks from your preferred business processes within Workday (such as recruiting or onboarding).
Continuous updates
Checkr statuses are continually refreshed in Workday. The background check status of every candidate and projected completion timelines are easily viewable right in Workday.

Workday and Checkr
Checkr is a Workday Innovation Partner and has earned the Workday Design Approved Badge. Customers use the Checkr-Workday integration to streamline and modernize the background check process for a faster, smoother, and safer experience.
Customers trust Checkr and Workday

Customer Story: FHI
The FHI team switched to Checkr so they could move a high volume of candidates through their hiring process quickly—while seamlessly integrating with their HRIS, Workday. The FHI team loves that Checkr’s mobile accessibility makes the background check process easier for on-the-go associates.
Streamline your hiring flow with Checkr
Experience modern background checks that work the way you do with our Workday integration.