Savings calculator

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Background check volume
Savings with Checkr

Ready to run background checks the modern way?

Use our modern technology to gain new efficiencies and reduce your hiring costs. Sign up now or talk to our team to find out exactly what you can save by switching to Checkr.

Drivers of operational cost savings

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Faster turnaround time

Background checks can be a bottleneck. The longer it takes your provider to deliver a background check report, the more blocked your team is from completing other hiring tasks, the more administrative work your team has to do, and the more candidate concerns they have to field. Checkr customers see an average 34% reduction in background check turnaround time. In fact, 97% of our customers say our turnaround time is faster than the competition. Unlike our competitors, we own most of our data—and 99% of our checks are automated after data retrieval, with human QA.

Higher candidate completion rate

A 2023 Everee & Checkr survey of American workers found that 20% have abandoned a job opportunity because the background check took too long. When great candidates drop out of your hiring process to take other opportunities, it costs you money. On average, Checkr customers see a 9% increase in candidates' background check completion rate. This is a result of our intuitive mobile-optimized candidate experience, automated notifications to guide candidates, helpful Candidate Portal with estimated background check completion time and FAQs, and our multilingual, dedicated Candidate Experience team.

Less manual adjudication work

It costs you money when your team has to review each background check report, make sense of criminal charges, and reach out to candidates for context on charges or to initiate adverse action. Checkr customers use our industry-leading adjudication tools to set up custom filtering rules and automated candidate communications, cutting their manual adjudication work by up to 80%.

Recommended background check package*

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* This is merely a recommendation. With Checkr, you have the flexibility to select a custom package. In addition to speaking with a Checkr team member about your needs, we recommend that you consult with your legal counsel to ensure that you selecting the package that best meets your needs.

Customers love
Checkr, but don't take
our word for it.

"Checkr has had a great impact on Lyft’s business, and that’s why we have a long term partnership."
Allen Lohse
Director of Legal and Regulatory, Lyft

Ready to run background checks the modern way?

Use our modern technology to gain new efficiencies and reduce your hiring costs. Sign up now or talk to our team to find out exactly what you can save by switching to Checkr.