What's New at Checkr: Spring Product Highlights [2023]

May 12, 2023
Checkr Editor

Watch the webinar to learn more about checkr's recent product updates — along with a preview into what we’re working on for you this quarter.

This spring, we opened our adjudication tools to more organizations and made enhancements to Continuous Checks, employment verifications, and the candidate experience. Watch the webinar to learn more about these updates—along with a preview into what we’re working on later this year.

All-new adjudication automation

If you're struggling to adjudicate reports in a timely fashion, Assess Standard can help. Assess Standard reduces manual review by up to 70%, resulting in quicker turnaround times and meaningful cost savings. It’s also easy to use, with 13 compliance-friendly guidelines included that can help you reduce bias up to 90%.

Continuous checks now easier to manage in the Dashboard

Continuous criminal and motor vehicle record (MVR) checks can surface changes to your workers’ records in near real-time, allowing you to mitigate risk, keep customers safe, and maintain customer trust. We recently added new features to make ongoing monitoring easier to manage from the Checkr Dashboard:

  • Active enrollments: View all enrolled workers in the Checkr Dashboard.
  • Bulk action: Directly enroll and unenroll individuals in bulk through a CSV upload.
  • Ineligible persons: View errors from the DMV that caused drivers to be automatically enrolled from Continuous MVR, in near real-time.

A faster way for candidates to verify their employment

We have a new, faster way to verify candidates’ employment history in the US. When candidates opt to directly log into their payroll provider within their background check application, Checkr can verify their employment in minutes.

Candidate experience enhancements

We made a number of updates to the candidate portal and background check application to make it easier for candidates to submit and access their information.

  • An alternative way to log in to the Checkr candidate portal. US candidates can now log in to the Checkr Candidate Portal using their email and date of birth, when they haven’t shared their SSN (e.g., in the instance of standalone MVR, health, or drug checks). Using this alternative login method will send an email to the candidate, allowing them to directly access the candidate portal through a secure link.
  • Better guidance for candidates who may have missing or incorrect SSN information_._ When Checkr can’t move forward with a background check because of an SSN exception, we’ll send the candidate an email with a link to resolve the issue. This page provides FAQs to help them better understand why they may need to re-enter their SSN or upload their State ID, and encourages them to update their information.
  • Updated candidate emails. Candidate invitation emails now provide more clarity around the type of background check requested. When a candidate is asked to complete a standalone health, drug, or MVR check, we’ll provide that additional context in the invite.
  • Global address suggestions. When an international candidate begins entering their address in the background check application, we’ll provide them with a list of addresses to select. This can reduce manual errors, and in turn, lower turnaround times.

New billing user role

Do you have users on your account who help with billing and invoicing, but don’t require access to invite or view candidates? We’ve launched a new billing user role that allows access to only the Payment & billing page of the Checkr Dashboard.

Watch the webinar

Watch the webinar to learn more about these updates, and share your thoughts on what else you’d like to see!

checkr webinar

Spring Product Release Webinar

Checkr’s product leaders walked through new adjudication automation tools to help your team work smarter and faster, updates to Continuous checks, employment verification, and the candidate experience, as well as a preview into Checkr’s summer roadmap.

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