
Recruitee’s Talent Acquisition Platform provides powerful software that makes hiring easier. With Checkr’s integrated solution to background checks, customers can now make that hiring experience faster, more compliant, and more efficient.

How we partner with Recruitee

Ease of use

Recruitee’s easy-to-use software assists teams of all sizes in organizing and scaling their hiring.

Accelerate your hiring

With the Recruitee and Checkr integration, you can introduce even more efficiency and ease-of-use into your hiring process with quicker time-to-hire and automated compliance.

Simple integration

Easily and at no cost connect your Checkr software to Recruitee and start moving forward with your best candidates.

Partner with Checkr

Are you an ATS, HR or Onboarding system, or other industry-specific solution? Let’s work together. We help companies like yours open new revenue channels and reach new customers with the only AI-led background screening platform.