Background checks made easy

Don’t let background checks slow your business down. Find out how Checkr makes it faster, easier, and safer—and get ready to go hire.

Run background checks the modern way

Hire quickly

Faster results mean your candidates can get to work sooner.

Hire easily

User-friendly workflows make it easy for you and your candidates.

Hire safely

Maximum accuracy helps you hire the best people for the job.

See how businesses of all sizes trust Checkr

Child Care Services
Food services
Manufacturing Industry

3 reasons why Adventure Nannies chooses Checkr

  1. Fast turnaround times
  2. Ease of use
  3. Candidate visibility into report results

3 reasons why Thistle chooses Checkr

  1. Improved efficiency
  2. Easy-to-review results
  3. Candidate-friendly workflows

3 reasons why Moxion chooses Checkr

  1. Streamlined process
  2. Candidate stories feature
  3. Integration with ATS

How Checkr is modernizing background checks

We're fast

When the background check completes quickly, your new employees can get to work faster.

89% of all criminal checks, including county searches, complete within one hour

97% of customers say our turnaround time is faster than their previous provider

We're smooth

Whether you use our dashboard or an integration, Checkr makes it easy to add background checks into your hiring workflows

90% of customers say Checkr has simplified their daily work

Seamless integrations with 100+ leading ATS and HR systems

We're safe

Checkr’s platform combines the power of technology with the confidence of human review, helping you mitigate risk.

Decisioning tools help you make hiring decisions faster

FCRA-trained support teams available via live chat and email

See what our customers have to say

Build your business with Checkr

It's time to go hire

Learn how your business can benefit from fast, easy, and safe background checks.