How Partnering with Checkr Streamlined Office Libations' Hiring Process

Learn how switching to Checkr resulted in faster turnaround time, a more efficient hiring process, and an expanded talent pool.

Company Overview

Office Libations is a corporate refreshment service based in the San Francisco Bay Area. They provide beverages and snacks to companies of all sizes from small startups to large Fortune 500 companies in the SF Bay Area. They are a one-stop for office professionals to keep their team happy and save time.


Hospitality & Foodservice


50 - 100 Employees


As a small business with an eye on expansion, Office Libations needed to hire top talent quickly, easily, and compliantly. Yet their background check process was slow and complicated, leading to hiring delays and candidate drop off.


Office Libations partnered with Checkr to streamline the background check process, drastically decrease turnaround time, and broaden their talent pool, so they could focus on reaching their growth goals.

Products Used

The Office Libations-Checkr Story

Founded in 2015 by Claude Burns, Office Libations provides beverages and snacks to San Francisco Bay Area businesses.

The company is focused on finding the right candidates who will fit their culture, and as a company in the service industry that means seeking individuals who are driven by service to go above and beyond for their clients.

To that end, Claude views the company as an extension of their clients, so hiring high trust, high performing individuals is key to the retention of their clientele and the success of their business. A crucial part of that is working with the right vendors.

Given the complexities involved in hiring the type of workers he needed for his business, Claude knew he wanted a background check vendor that prioritized compliance and fair hiring practices. Checkr checked both of those boxes, and then some.

As the CEO of the company, knowing that we’re compliant with background checks by using Checkr and keeping up to date with all the regulations and changes helps me sleep better at night.
Claude Burns
CEO/Founder, Office Libations

One of the most common roles that Office Libations hires for are their delivery drivers, which requires motor vehicle records checks. Before switching to Checkr, candidates were asked to bring in hard copies of their motor vehicle records, a process that was unreliable and often led to candidate drop off.

Claude and his team would then send those physical records to their insurance company to run through their own MVR check process. Since this was not a part of the insurance company’s regular operations, it could take up to two weeks to get the results.

Since switching their background check process over to Checkr, Claude has seen a perceptible difference in turnaround time from two weeks with their insurance company, to less than one day on MVR and criminal background checks with Checkr. As a result, they are now able to keep their insurance costs down, which in turn helps them to lower operating costs.

Claude also applauds Checkr for ease of use and a more streamlined criminal background check process. For example, Checkr's candidate portal gives Office Libations’ candidates the ability to provide all of their information and not worry about destroying physical documents or sending to third parties.

Checkr background checks are awesome. They have streamlined the process to be very easy. It goes directly to the candidate, they fill it out, and then it goes straight to Checkr. I don’t have to worry about being the middleman. All in all, it makes for a very fast hiring process, and a great candidate experience, which helps us not lose out on good candidates.
Claude Burns
CEO/Founder, Office Libations

While hiring safe, responsible drivers is a top priority, Claude realized that when it comes to people’s backgrounds, what’s on paper is not always the whole story. So, he incorporated candidate stories into the hiring process, which allows candidates to share additional context around something that may be flagged on their record, and highlight any efforts toward self-improvement.

Claude believes that if their previous record doesn’t actually impact the role or what’s needed to perform it, then those individuals should still be considered for the position. And with candidate stories, Office Libations is not only expanding their talent pool, they’re also giving candidates who otherwise may have been overlooked a second chance.

We’ve all made mistakes in our life. Some of them we’ve paid for, some of them we haven’t. So it’s really important to understand the background of what happened with a particular instance that someone may have on a criminal record. What happened there? Were they 18 or did it happen six months ago? Having that context matters. Candidate Stories allow us to see the full picture.
Claude Burns
CEO/Founder, Office Libations

Office Libations' favorite features

Automated workflows eliminate manual processes so background checks start and complete faster, resulting in a 90% reduction in average turnaround time since switching to Checkr.
Candidate Experience
Checkr’s Candidate Portal makes it easy for candidates to enter their own information while also providing them with enhanced visibility into the status of their background checks.
The Checkr platform, notably the Pre-Adverse Action Report, surfaces only reportable records relevant to hiring decisions, reducing risk, bias, and human error.

Trusted by more than 100,000 customers

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